pp108 : Setting Permissions for Web Service Interfaces and Web Service Operations

Setting Permissions for Web Service Interfaces and Web Service Operations

This topic describes the procedure to provide access or deny permissions for selected Web service interfaces and Web service operations.

You may not want all users accessing all the Web service interfaces and Web service operations in your application. This topic describes the procedure for limiting access of Web service interfaces and operations.

  1. In a Windows based computer, click Start > Programs > Process Platform > <Instance Name> > Tools > Management Console.
    Note: In a Linux based computer,
  2. Launch Terminal
  3. Type CD Process Platform Installation Directory/bin
  4. Execute ./cmc.sh
    The Management Console window appears.
  5. Click Security Properties in the Management Console window. The Security Properties window appears.
  6. Click the Others tab.
  7. Select the Enable sandbox feature check box and click .
  8. Select SecurityPolicy tab and from the Select Authenticated User list, select the user for whom the access or deny permissions need to be set.
  9. Grant or deny permissions for the selected user as follows: To grant permissions to specified Web service interfaces or operations, perform the following steps
    1. Click Grant Permission > Web Service Interfaces. The Add Web service interface icon ( ) is enabled on the toolbar.
    2. Click , select the required Web service interface from the Add Web Service Interfaces window, and click Add. The selected Web service interfaces are added to the Grant Permissionslist .

      Note: Access permissions can also be set for a selected Web service operation as follows.

    3. To add a Web service operation, click Grant Permissions > Web Service Interfaces > <Web service Interface>>. The Add Web service operation icon () is enabled on the toolbar.
    4. Click , select the required Web service operation from the Add Operations window, and click Add. The selected Web service operations are added to the Grant Permissions list. To deny permissions to specified Web service interfaces or operations, perform the following steps:
    5. Click Deny > Web Service Interfaces. The Add Web Service interface icon ( ) is enabled on the toolbar.
    6. Click , select the required Web service interface from the Web Service Interfaces window, and click Add. The selected Web service interfaces are added to the Deny Permissionslist.

      Note: Deny permissions can also be set for a selected Web service operation as follows.

    7. To add a Web service operation, click Grant Permissions > Web Service Interfaces > <Web service Interface>>. The Add Web service operation icon () is enabled on the toolbar.
    8. Click , select the required Web service operation from the Add Operations window, and click Add. The selected Web service operations are added to the Deny Permissions list.
  10. Click on the Security Policy toolbar to save the policy changes.
  11. Restart the Web services from IIS. The grant or deny permissions are provided for the Web service interfaces.